struct | AngularAccelerationDataTpl |
struct | AngularAccelerationResidualTpl |
| This residual returns the angular acceleration of a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \), computed from the external forces and contact poses. More...
struct | AngularMomentumDataTpl |
struct | AngularMomentumResidualTpl |
| This residual returns the angular momentum for a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \). More...
class | BlkMatrix |
| Block matrix class, with a fixed-size number of row and column blocks. More...
struct | CallbackBaseTpl |
| Base callback class. More...
struct | CenterOfMassTranslationDataTpl |
struct | CenterOfMassTranslationResidualTpl |
| This residual returns the Center of Mass translation for a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \). More...
struct | CenterOfMassVelocityDataTpl |
struct | CenterOfMassVelocityResidualTpl |
struct | CentroidalAccelerationDataTpl |
struct | CentroidalAccelerationResidualTpl |
| This residual returns the linear acceleration of a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \), computed from the external forces and contact poses. More...
struct | CentroidalCoMDataTpl |
struct | CentroidalCoMResidualTpl |
struct | CentroidalFrictionConeDataTpl |
| This residual implements the "ice cream" friction cone for a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \). More...
struct | CentroidalFrictionConeResidualTpl |
struct | CentroidalMomentumDataTpl |
struct | CentroidalMomentumDerivativeDataTpl |
struct | CentroidalMomentumDerivativeResidualTpl |
| This residual returns the derivative of centroidal momentum for a kinodynamics model. More...
struct | CentroidalMomentumResidualTpl |
| This residual returns the derivative of centroidal momentum for a kinodynamics model. More...
struct | CentroidalWrapperDataTpl |
struct | CentroidalWrapperResidualTpl |
| This residual acts as a wrapper for centroidal model cost functions in which the external forces are added to the state and the control becomes the forces derivatives. More...
struct | CentroidalWrenchConeDataTpl |
| This residual implements the wrench cone for a centroidal model with control \(u = (f_1,...,f_c) \) with \(f_k\) 6D spatial force. More...
struct | CentroidalWrenchConeResidualTpl |
struct | CompositeCostDataTpl |
| Data struct for composite costs. More...
struct | ConstantCostTpl |
| Constant cost. More...
class | ConstraintProximalScalerTpl |
struct | ConstraintStackTpl |
| Convenience class to manage a stack of constraints. More...
struct | ContactMapTpl |
| Contact map for centroidal costs and dynamics. More...
struct | ControlErrorResidualTpl |
struct | CostAbstractTpl |
| Stage costs \( \ell(x, u) \) for control problems. More...
struct | CostDataAbstractTpl |
| Data struct for CostAbstractTpl. More...
struct | CostStackDataTpl |
struct | CostStackTpl |
| Weighted sum of multiple cost components. More...
struct | DCMPositionDataTpl |
struct | DCMPositionResidualTpl |
struct | DirectSumCostTpl |
struct | DirectSumExplicitDynamicsTpl |
struct | DynamicsDataTpl |
struct | DynamicsModelTpl |
| Dynamics model: describes system dynamics through an implicit relation \(f(x,u,x') = 0\). More...
struct | ExplicitDynamicsDataTpl |
| Specific data struct for explicit dynamics ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl. More...
struct | ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl |
| Explicit forward dynamics model \( x_{k+1} = f(x_k, u_k) \). More...
struct | FilterTpl |
| A basic filter line-search strategy. More...
struct | forwardDynamics |
| Evaluates the forward map for a discrete dynamics model, implicit or explicit. More...
struct | frame_api |
struct | FramePlacementDataTpl |
struct | FramePlacementResidualTpl |
struct | FrameTranslationDataTpl |
struct | FrameTranslationResidualTpl |
struct | FrameVelocityDataTpl |
struct | FrameVelocityResidualTpl |
struct | FunctionSliceDataTpl |
struct | FunctionSliceXprTpl |
| Represents a function of which the output is a subset of another function, for instance \(x \mapsto f_\{0, 1, 3\}(x) \) where \(f\) is given. More...
struct | FunctionSliceXprTpl< Scalar, StageFunctionTpl< Scalar > > |
struct | FunctionSliceXprTpl< Scalar, UnaryFunctionTpl< Scalar > > |
struct | GravityCompensationResidualTpl |
struct | HistoryCallbackTpl |
| Store the history of results. More...
struct | LagrangianDerivatives |
| Compute the derivatives of the problem Lagrangian. More...
struct | LinearFunctionCompositionTpl |
struct | LinearFunctionTpl |
| Linear function \(f(x,u,y) = Ax + Bu + Cy + d\). More...
struct | LinearMomentumDataTpl |
struct | LinearMomentumResidualTpl |
| This residual returns the linear momentum for a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \). More...
struct | LinearUnaryFunctionCompositionTpl |
struct | LogColumn |
struct | Logger |
| A table logging utility to log the trace of the numerical solvers. More...
struct | LogResidualCostTpl |
| Log-barrier of an underlying cost function. More...
struct | NewtonRaphson |
| Newton-Raphson procedure, e.g. to compute forward dynamics from implicit functions. More...
struct | NonmonotoneLinesearch |
| Nonmonotone Linesearch algorithm. Modifies the Armijo condition with a moving average of function values. More...
struct | overloads |
| Utility helper struct for creating visitors from lambdas. More...
struct | PDALFunction |
| Primal-dual augmented Lagrangian merit function. More...
struct | QFunctionTpl |
| Q-function model parameters. More...
struct | QuadraticControlCostTpl |
struct | QuadraticCostDataTpl |
struct | QuadraticCostTpl |
| Euclidean quadratic cost. More...
struct | QuadraticResidualCostTpl |
| Quadratic composite of an underlying function. More...
struct | QuadraticStateCostTpl |
| Quadratic distance cost over the state manifold. More...
struct | ResultsBaseTpl |
struct | ResultsFDDPTpl |
struct | ResultsTpl |
| Results holder struct. More...
class | RuntimeError |
struct | SolverFDDPTpl |
| The feasible DDP (FDDP) algorithm, from Mastalli et al. (2020). More...
struct | SolverProxDDPTpl |
| A proximal, augmented Lagrangian-type solver for trajectory optimization. More...
struct | StageConstraintTpl |
| Simple struct holding together a function and set, to describe a constraint. More...
struct | StageDataTpl |
| Data struct for stage models StageModelTpl. More...
struct | StageFunctionDataTpl |
| Base struct for function data. More...
struct | StageFunctionTpl |
| Class representing ternary functions \(f(x,u,x')\). More...
struct | StageModelTpl |
| A stage in the control problem. More...
struct | StateErrorResidualTpl |
struct | TrajOptDataTpl |
| Problem data struct. More...
struct | TrajOptProblemTpl |
| Trajectory optimization problem. More...
struct | UnaryFunctionTpl |
| Represents unary functions of the form \(f(x)\), with no control (or next-state) arguments. More...
struct | ValueFunctionTpl |
| Storage for the value function model parameters. More...
struct | WorkspaceBaseTpl |
| Base workspace struct for the algorithms. More...
struct | WorkspaceFDDPTpl |
| Workspace for solver SolverFDDP. More...
struct | WorkspaceTpl |
| Workspace for solver SolverProxDDP. More...
template<typename S > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const ExplicitDynamicsDataTpl< S > &self) |
template<typename T > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const StageFunctionDataTpl< T > &self) |
template<typename Scalar > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const ResultsBaseTpl< Scalar > &self) |
template<typename Scalar > |
void | xs_default_init (const TrajOptProblemTpl< Scalar > &problem, std::vector< typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs > &xs) |
| Default-intialize a trajectory to the neutral states for each state space at each stage.
template<typename Scalar > |
void | us_default_init (const TrajOptProblemTpl< Scalar > &problem, std::vector< typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs > &us) |
| Default-initialize a controls trajectory from the neutral element of each control space.
template<typename Scalar > |
auto | problemInitializeSolution (const TrajOptProblemTpl< Scalar > &problem) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
bool | assign_no_resize (const std::vector< T1 > &lhs, std::vector< T2 > &rhs) |
| Assign a vector of Eigen types into another, ensure there is no resize.
template<typename Scalar > |
void | check_trajectory_and_assign (const TrajOptProblemTpl< Scalar > &problem, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &xs_init, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us_init, typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &xs_out, typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us_out) |
| Check the input state-control trajectory is a consistent warm-start for the output.
template<typename Scalar > |
Scalar | computeTrajectoryCost (const TrajOptDataTpl< Scalar > &problem_data) |
| Helper for computing the trajectory cost (from pre-computed problem data).
template<typename T , typename... Args> |
| ALIGATOR_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE ("Aligator now requires C++17 and the Eigen::aligned_allocator<T> class is " "no longer useful. This function is now just an alias for " "std::make_shared, and will be removed in the future.") inline auto allocate_shared_eigen_aligned(Args &&...args) |
template<typename D > |
auto | eigenPrintWithPreamble (const Eigen::EigenBase< D > &mat, const std::string &text) |
template<typename Scalar > |
auto | directSum (xyz::polymorphic< CostAbstractTpl< Scalar > > const &c1, xyz::polymorphic< CostAbstractTpl< Scalar > > const &c2) |
template<typename T > |
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > | operator+ (const CostPtr< T > &c1, const CostPtr< T > &c2) |
template<typename T > |
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > | operator+ (xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > &&c1, const CostPtr< T > &c2) |
template<typename T > |
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > | operator+ (xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > &&c1, CostPtr< T > &&c2) |
template<typename T > |
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > | operator+ (const xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > &c1, CostPtr< T > &&c2) |
template<typename T > |
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > | operator* (T u, xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > &&c1) |
template<typename Scalar > |
auto | directSum (xyz::polymorphic< ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > > const &m1, xyz::polymorphic< ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > > const &m2) |
template<typename Scalar > |
auto | linear_compose (xyz::polymorphic< StageFunctionTpl< Scalar > > func, const typename math_types< Scalar >::ConstMatrixRef A, const typename math_types< Scalar >::ConstVectorRef b) |
| Create a linear composition of the input function func .
template<typename Scalar > |
auto | linear_compose (xyz::polymorphic< UnaryFunctionTpl< Scalar > > func, const typename math_types< Scalar >::ConstMatrixRef A, const typename math_types< Scalar >::ConstVectorRef b) |
| Create a linear composition of the input function func . This will return a UnaryFunctionTpl.
template<typename Scalar , typename ConfigType , typename VelType , typename MatrixType , typename OutType , int Options> |
void | underactuatedConstrainedInverseDynamics (const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options > &model, DataTpl< Scalar, Options > &data, const Eigen::MatrixBase< ConfigType > &q, Eigen::MatrixBase< VelType > const &v, const Eigen::MatrixBase< MatrixType > &actMatrix, const StdVectorEigenAligned< RigidConstraintModelTpl< Scalar, Options > > &constraint_models, StdVectorEigenAligned< RigidConstraintDataTpl< Scalar, Options > > &constraint_datas, const Eigen::MatrixBase< OutType > &res_) |
template<class... Ts> |
| overloads (Ts...) -> overloads< Ts... > |
template<typename Scalar , typename F , typename M > |
ALIGATOR_INLINE std::pair< Scalar, Scalar > | fddp_goldstein_linesearch (F &&phi, M &&model, const Scalar phi0, const typename Linesearch< Scalar >::Options &ls_params, Scalar th_grad, Scalar &d1, Scalar th_accept_step=0.1, Scalar th_accept_neg_step=2.0) |
| The backtracking linesearch from FDDP (Mastalli et al).
template<typename Scalar > |
Scalar | costDirectionalDerivative (const WorkspaceTpl< Scalar > &workspace, const TrajOptDataTpl< Scalar > &prob_data) |
template<typename Scalar > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const ResultsTpl< Scalar > &self) |
template<typename Scalar > |
auto | getConstraintProductSet (const ConstraintStackTpl< Scalar > &constraints) |
template<typename Scalar > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const WorkspaceTpl< Scalar > &self) |
template<typename T , typename Alloc > |
void | rotate_vec_left (std::vector< T, Alloc > &v, long n_head=0, long n_tail=0) |
| Simply rotate an entire std::vector to the left.
template<typename Scalar > |
math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors | rollout (const std::vector< xyz::polymorphic< DynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > > > &dyn_models, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs &x0, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us, typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &xout) |
| Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models.
template<typename Scalar > |
math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors | rollout (const DynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > &dyn_model, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs &x0, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us) |
| Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models.
template<typename Scalar > |
void | rollout (const std::vector< xyz::polymorphic< ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > > > &dyn_models, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs &x0, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us, typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &xout) |
| Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models.
template<typename Scalar > |
void | rollout (const ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > &dyn_model, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs &x0, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us, typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &xout) |
| Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models. Rolls out a single ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl.
template<template< typename > class C, typename Scalar > |
math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors | rollout (const C< Scalar > &dms, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs &x0, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us) |
| Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models. This variant allocates the output and returns it.
template<template< typename > class C, typename Scalar > |
math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors | rollout (const std::vector< xyz::polymorphic< C< Scalar > > > &dms, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs &x0, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us) |
| Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models. This variant allocates the output and returns it.
| _process () |
Main package namespace.
- Copyright
- Copyright (C) 2022-2023 LAAS-CNRS, INRIA
Copyright (C) 2022 LAAS-CNRS, INRIA
Copyright (C) 2022-2024 LAAS-CNRS, INRIA
Copyright (C) 2023 LAAS-CNRS, INRIA
- Author
- Wilson Jallet
- Copyright
- Copyright (C) 2024 LAAS-CNRS, INRIA
- Author
- Wilson Jallet
- Copyright
- Copyright (C) 2023 LAAS-CNRS, INRIA
Copyright (C) 2023-2024 LAAS-CNRS, INRIA
- Author
- Wilson Jallet
- Copyright
- Copyright (C) 2023-2024 LAAS-CNRS, INRIA
Copyright (C) 2022 LAAS-CNRS, INRIA