aligator  0.10.0
A primal-dual augmented Lagrangian-type solver for nonlinear trajectory optimization.
No Matches
aligator Namespace Reference

Main package namespace. More...


namespace  autodiff
namespace  compat
 Headers for compatibility modules.
namespace  context
namespace  detail
namespace  dynamics
 Namespace for modelling system dynamics.
namespace  gar
namespace  math
 Math utilities.
namespace  omp
 Utilities to set parallelism options.
namespace  python
 The Python bindings.
namespace  utils


struct  AngularAccelerationDataTpl
struct  AngularAccelerationResidualTpl
 This residual returns the angular acceleration of a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \), computed from the external forces and contact poses. More...
struct  AngularMomentumDataTpl
struct  AngularMomentumResidualTpl
 This residual returns the angular momentum for a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \). More...
class  BlkMatrix
 Block matrix class, with a fixed-size number of row and column blocks. More...
struct  CallbackBaseTpl
 Base callback class. More...
struct  CenterOfMassTranslationDataTpl
struct  CenterOfMassTranslationResidualTpl
 This residual returns the Center of Mass translation for a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \). More...
struct  CenterOfMassVelocityDataTpl
struct  CenterOfMassVelocityResidualTpl
struct  CentroidalAccelerationDataTpl
struct  CentroidalAccelerationResidualTpl
 This residual returns the linear acceleration of a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \), computed from the external forces and contact poses. More...
struct  CentroidalCoMDataTpl
struct  CentroidalCoMResidualTpl
struct  CentroidalFrictionConeDataTpl
 This residual implements the "ice cream" friction cone for a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \). More...
struct  CentroidalFrictionConeResidualTpl
struct  CentroidalMomentumDataTpl
struct  CentroidalMomentumDerivativeDataTpl
struct  CentroidalMomentumDerivativeResidualTpl
 This residual returns the derivative of centroidal momentum for a kinodynamics model. More...
struct  CentroidalMomentumResidualTpl
 This residual returns the derivative of centroidal momentum for a kinodynamics model. More...
struct  CentroidalWrapperDataTpl
struct  CentroidalWrapperResidualTpl
 This residual acts as a wrapper for centroidal model cost functions in which the external forces are added to the state and the control becomes the forces derivatives. More...
struct  CentroidalWrenchConeDataTpl
 This residual implements the wrench cone for a centroidal model with control \(u = (f_1,...,f_c) \) with \(f_k\) 6D spatial force. More...
struct  CentroidalWrenchConeResidualTpl
struct  CompositeCostDataTpl
 Data struct for composite costs. More...
struct  ConstantCostTpl
 Constant cost. More...
class  ConstraintProximalScalerTpl
struct  ConstraintStackTpl
 Convenience class to manage a stack of constraints. More...
struct  ContactMapTpl
 Contact map for centroidal costs and dynamics. More...
struct  ControlErrorResidualTpl
struct  CostAbstractTpl
 Stage costs \( \ell(x, u) \) for control problems. More...
struct  CostDataAbstractTpl
 Data struct for CostAbstractTpl. More...
struct  CostStackDataTpl
struct  CostStackTpl
 Weighted sum of multiple cost components. More...
struct  DCMPositionDataTpl
struct  DCMPositionResidualTpl
struct  DirectSumCostTpl
struct  DirectSumExplicitDynamicsTpl
struct  DynamicsDataTpl
struct  DynamicsModelTpl
 Dynamics model: describes system dynamics through an implicit relation \(f(x,u,x') = 0\). More...
struct  ExplicitDynamicsDataTpl
 Specific data struct for explicit dynamics ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl. More...
struct  ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl
 Explicit forward dynamics model \( x_{k+1} = f(x_k, u_k) \). More...
struct  FilterTpl
 A basic filter line-search strategy. More...
struct  forwardDynamics
 Evaluates the forward map for a discrete dynamics model, implicit or explicit. More...
struct  frame_api
struct  FramePlacementDataTpl
struct  FramePlacementResidualTpl
struct  FrameTranslationDataTpl
struct  FrameTranslationResidualTpl
struct  FrameVelocityDataTpl
struct  FrameVelocityResidualTpl
struct  FunctionSliceDataTpl
struct  FunctionSliceXprTpl
 Represents a function of which the output is a subset of another function, for instance \(x \mapsto f_\{0, 1, 3\}(x) \) where \(f\) is given. More...
struct  FunctionSliceXprTpl< Scalar, StageFunctionTpl< Scalar > >
struct  FunctionSliceXprTpl< Scalar, UnaryFunctionTpl< Scalar > >
struct  GravityCompensationResidualTpl
struct  HistoryCallbackTpl
 Store the history of results. More...
struct  LagrangianDerivatives
 Compute the derivatives of the problem Lagrangian. More...
struct  LinearFunctionCompositionTpl
struct  LinearFunctionTpl
 Linear function \(f(x,u,y) = Ax + Bu + Cy + d\). More...
struct  LinearMomentumDataTpl
struct  LinearMomentumResidualTpl
 This residual returns the linear momentum for a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \). More...
struct  LinearUnaryFunctionCompositionTpl
struct  LogColumn
struct  Logger
 A table logging utility to log the trace of the numerical solvers. More...
struct  LogResidualCostTpl
 Log-barrier of an underlying cost function. More...
struct  NewtonRaphson
 Newton-Raphson procedure, e.g. to compute forward dynamics from implicit functions. More...
struct  NonmonotoneLinesearch
 Nonmonotone Linesearch algorithm. Modifies the Armijo condition with a moving average of function values. More...
struct  overloads
 Utility helper struct for creating visitors from lambdas. More...
struct  PDALFunction
 Primal-dual augmented Lagrangian merit function. More...
struct  QFunctionTpl
 Q-function model parameters. More...
struct  QuadraticControlCostTpl
struct  QuadraticCostDataTpl
struct  QuadraticCostTpl
 Euclidean quadratic cost. More...
struct  QuadraticResidualCostTpl
 Quadratic composite of an underlying function. More...
struct  QuadraticStateCostTpl
 Quadratic distance cost over the state manifold. More...
struct  ResultsBaseTpl
struct  ResultsFDDPTpl
struct  ResultsTpl
 Results holder struct. More...
class  RuntimeError
struct  SolverFDDPTpl
 The feasible DDP (FDDP) algorithm, from Mastalli et al. (2020). More...
struct  SolverProxDDPTpl
 A proximal, augmented Lagrangian-type solver for trajectory optimization. More...
struct  StageConstraintTpl
 Simple struct holding together a function and set, to describe a constraint. More...
struct  StageDataTpl
 Data struct for stage models StageModelTpl. More...
struct  StageFunctionDataTpl
 Base struct for function data. More...
struct  StageFunctionTpl
 Class representing ternary functions \(f(x,u,x')\). More...
struct  StageModelTpl
 A stage in the control problem. More...
struct  StateErrorResidualTpl
struct  TrajOptDataTpl
 Problem data struct. More...
struct  TrajOptProblemTpl
 Trajectory optimization problem. More...
struct  UnaryFunctionTpl
 Represents unary functions of the form \(f(x)\), with no control (or next-state) arguments. More...
struct  ValueFunctionTpl
 Storage for the value function model parameters. More...
struct  WorkspaceBaseTpl
 Base workspace struct for the algorithms. More...
struct  WorkspaceFDDPTpl
 Workspace for solver SolverFDDP. More...
struct  WorkspaceTpl
 Workspace for solver SolverProxDDP. More...


template<typename T >
using ConstraintSetTpl = proxsuite::nlp::ConstraintSetBase<T>
using uint = unsigned int


enum struct  RolloutType { LINEAR , NONLINEAR }
enum struct  HessianApprox { EXACT , GAUSS_NEWTON , BFGS }
enum struct  MultiplierUpdateMode { NEWTON , PRIMAL , PRIMAL_DUAL }
enum struct  LinesearchMode { PRIMAL = 0 , PRIMAL_DUAL = 1 }
 Whether to use merit functions in primal or primal-dual mode. More...
 Whether to use linesearch or filter during step acceptance phase. More...
enum class  LQSolverChoice { SERIAL , PARALLEL , STAGEDENSE }


template<typename S >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const ExplicitDynamicsDataTpl< S > &self)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const StageFunctionDataTpl< T > &self)
template<typename Scalar >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const ResultsBaseTpl< Scalar > &self)
template<typename Scalar >
void xs_default_init (const TrajOptProblemTpl< Scalar > &problem, std::vector< typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs > &xs)
 Default-intialize a trajectory to the neutral states for each state space at each stage.
template<typename Scalar >
void us_default_init (const TrajOptProblemTpl< Scalar > &problem, std::vector< typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs > &us)
 Default-initialize a controls trajectory from the neutral element of each control space.
template<typename Scalar >
auto problemInitializeSolution (const TrajOptProblemTpl< Scalar > &problem)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
bool assign_no_resize (const std::vector< T1 > &lhs, std::vector< T2 > &rhs)
 Assign a vector of Eigen types into another, ensure there is no resize.
template<typename Scalar >
void check_trajectory_and_assign (const TrajOptProblemTpl< Scalar > &problem, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &xs_init, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us_init, typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &xs_out, typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us_out)
 Check the input state-control trajectory is a consistent warm-start for the output.
template<typename Scalar >
Scalar computeTrajectoryCost (const TrajOptDataTpl< Scalar > &problem_data)
 Helper for computing the trajectory cost (from pre-computed problem data).
template<typename T , typename... Args>
 ALIGATOR_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE ("Aligator now requires C++17 and the Eigen::aligned_allocator<T> class is " "no longer useful. This function is now just an alias for " "std::make_shared, and will be removed in the future.") inline auto allocate_shared_eigen_aligned(Args &&...args)
template<typename D >
auto eigenPrintWithPreamble (const Eigen::EigenBase< D > &mat, const std::string &text)
template<typename Scalar >
auto directSum (xyz::polymorphic< CostAbstractTpl< Scalar > > const &c1, xyz::polymorphic< CostAbstractTpl< Scalar > > const &c2)
template<typename T >
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > operator+ (const CostPtr< T > &c1, const CostPtr< T > &c2)
template<typename T >
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > operator+ (xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > &&c1, const CostPtr< T > &c2)
template<typename T >
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > operator+ (xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > &&c1, CostPtr< T > &&c2)
template<typename T >
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > operator+ (const xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > &c1, CostPtr< T > &&c2)
template<typename T >
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > operator* (T u, xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > &&c1)
template<typename Scalar >
auto directSum (xyz::polymorphic< ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > > const &m1, xyz::polymorphic< ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > > const &m2)
template<typename Scalar >
auto linear_compose (xyz::polymorphic< StageFunctionTpl< Scalar > > func, const typename math_types< Scalar >::ConstMatrixRef A, const typename math_types< Scalar >::ConstVectorRef b)
 Create a linear composition of the input function func.
template<typename Scalar >
auto linear_compose (xyz::polymorphic< UnaryFunctionTpl< Scalar > > func, const typename math_types< Scalar >::ConstMatrixRef A, const typename math_types< Scalar >::ConstVectorRef b)
 Create a linear composition of the input function func. This will return a UnaryFunctionTpl.
template<typename Scalar , typename ConfigType , typename VelType , typename MatrixType , typename OutType , int Options>
void underactuatedConstrainedInverseDynamics (const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options > &model, DataTpl< Scalar, Options > &data, const Eigen::MatrixBase< ConfigType > &q, Eigen::MatrixBase< VelType > const &v, const Eigen::MatrixBase< MatrixType > &actMatrix, const StdVectorEigenAligned< RigidConstraintModelTpl< Scalar, Options > > &constraint_models, StdVectorEigenAligned< RigidConstraintDataTpl< Scalar, Options > > &constraint_datas, const Eigen::MatrixBase< OutType > &res_)
template<class... Ts>
 overloads (Ts...) -> overloads< Ts... >
template<typename Scalar , typename F , typename M >
ALIGATOR_INLINE std::pair< Scalar, Scalar > fddp_goldstein_linesearch (F &&phi, M &&model, const Scalar phi0, const typename Linesearch< Scalar >::Options &ls_params, Scalar th_grad, Scalar &d1, Scalar th_accept_step=0.1, Scalar th_accept_neg_step=2.0)
 The backtracking linesearch from FDDP (Mastalli et al).
template<typename Scalar >
Scalar costDirectionalDerivative (const WorkspaceTpl< Scalar > &workspace, const TrajOptDataTpl< Scalar > &prob_data)
template<typename Scalar >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const ResultsTpl< Scalar > &self)
template<typename Scalar >
auto getConstraintProductSet (const ConstraintStackTpl< Scalar > &constraints)
template<typename Scalar >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const WorkspaceTpl< Scalar > &self)
template<typename T , typename Alloc >
void rotate_vec_left (std::vector< T, Alloc > &v, long n_head=0, long n_tail=0)
 Simply rotate an entire std::vector to the left.
template<typename Scalar >
math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors rollout (const std::vector< xyz::polymorphic< DynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > > > &dyn_models, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs &x0, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us, typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &xout)
 Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models.
template<typename Scalar >
math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors rollout (const DynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > &dyn_model, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs &x0, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us)
 Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models.
template<typename Scalar >
void rollout (const std::vector< xyz::polymorphic< ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > > > &dyn_models, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs &x0, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us, typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &xout)
 Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models.
template<typename Scalar >
void rollout (const ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > &dyn_model, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs &x0, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us, typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &xout)
 Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models. Rolls out a single ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl.
template<template< typename > class C, typename Scalar >
math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors rollout (const C< Scalar > &dms, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs &x0, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us)
 Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models. This variant allocates the output and returns it.
template<template< typename > class C, typename Scalar >
math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors rollout (const std::vector< xyz::polymorphic< C< Scalar > > > &dms, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs &x0, const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors &us)
 Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models. This variant allocates the output and returns it.
 _process ()


constexpr std::string_view int_format = "{: >{}d} "
constexpr std::string_view sci_format = "{: >{}.3e} "
constexpr std::string_view dbl_format = "{: >{}.3g} "
static const LogColumn BASIC_KEYS [12]

Detailed Description

Main package namespace.

Wilson Jallet
Wilson Jallet
Wilson Jallet
Copyright (C) 2022 LAAS-CNRS, INRIA

Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstraintSetTpl

template<typename T >
using aligator::ConstraintSetTpl = proxsuite::nlp::ConstraintSetBase<T>


Definition at line 38 of file fwd.hpp.

◆ uint

using aligator::uint = unsigned int

Definition at line 10 of file logger.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ RolloutType

enum struct aligator::RolloutType

Linear rollout.


Nonlinear rollout, using the full dynamics.

Definition at line 5 of file enums.hpp.

◆ ErrorCode

enum struct aligator::ErrorCode

Definition at line 12 of file enums.hpp.

◆ HessianApprox

enum struct aligator::HessianApprox

Use exact Hessian.


Use the Gauss-Newton approximation.


Use a BFGS-type approximation.

Definition at line 14 of file enums.hpp.

◆ MultiplierUpdateMode

enum struct aligator::MultiplierUpdateMode

Definition at line 23 of file enums.hpp.

◆ LinesearchMode

enum struct aligator::LinesearchMode

Whether to use merit functions in primal or primal-dual mode.


Definition at line 26 of file enums.hpp.

◆ StepAcceptanceStrategy

Whether to use linesearch or filter during step acceptance phase.


Definition at line 29 of file enums.hpp.

◆ LQSolverChoice

enum class aligator::LQSolverChoice

Definition at line 26 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<() [1/5]

template<typename S >
std::ostream & aligator::operator<< ( std::ostream & oss,
const ExplicitDynamicsDataTpl< S > & self )

Definition at line 85 of file explicit-dynamics.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/5]

template<typename T >
std::ostream & aligator::operator<< ( std::ostream & oss,
const StageFunctionDataTpl< T > & self )

◆ operator<<() [3/5]

template<typename Scalar >
std::ostream & aligator::operator<< ( std::ostream & oss,
const ResultsBaseTpl< Scalar > & self )

Definition at line 98 of file results-base.hpp.

◆ xs_default_init()

template<typename Scalar >
void aligator::xs_default_init ( const TrajOptProblemTpl< Scalar > & problem,
std::vector< typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs > & xs )

Default-intialize a trajectory to the neutral states for each state space at each stage.

Definition at line 13 of file solver-util.hpp.

◆ us_default_init()

template<typename Scalar >
void aligator::us_default_init ( const TrajOptProblemTpl< Scalar > & problem,
std::vector< typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs > & us )

Default-initialize a controls trajectory from the neutral element of each control space.

Definition at line 37 of file solver-util.hpp.

◆ problemInitializeSolution()

template<typename Scalar >
auto aligator::problemInitializeSolution ( const TrajOptProblemTpl< Scalar > & problem)

Definition at line 48 of file solver-util.hpp.

◆ assign_no_resize()

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
bool aligator::assign_no_resize ( const std::vector< T1 > & lhs,
std::vector< T2 > & rhs )

Assign a vector of Eigen types into another, ensure there is no resize.

Definition at line 75 of file solver-util.hpp.

◆ check_trajectory_and_assign()

template<typename Scalar >
void aligator::check_trajectory_and_assign ( const TrajOptProblemTpl< Scalar > & problem,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & xs_init,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & us_init,
typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & xs_out,
typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & us_out )

Check the input state-control trajectory is a consistent warm-start for the output.

Definition at line 99 of file solver-util.hpp.

◆ computeTrajectoryCost()

template<typename Scalar >
Scalar aligator::computeTrajectoryCost ( const TrajOptDataTpl< Scalar > & problem_data)

Helper for computing the trajectory cost (from pre-computed problem data).

Call TrajOptProblemTpl::evaluate() first!


template<typename T , typename... Args>
aligator::ALIGATOR_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE ( "Aligator now requires C++17 and the Eigen::aligned_allocator<T> class is " "no longer useful. This function is now just an alias for " "std::make_shared ,
and will be removed in the future."  ) &&

Definition at line 138 of file fwd.hpp.

◆ eigenPrintWithPreamble()

template<typename D >
auto aligator::eigenPrintWithPreamble ( const Eigen::EigenBase< D > & mat,
const std::string & text )

Prints an Eigen object using Eigen::IOFormat with a piece of text prepended and all rows shifted by the length of that text.

Definition at line 26 of file math.hpp.

◆ directSum() [1/2]

template<typename Scalar >
auto aligator::directSum ( xyz::polymorphic< CostAbstractTpl< Scalar > > const & c1,
xyz::polymorphic< CostAbstractTpl< Scalar > > const & c2 )

Definition at line 124 of file cost-direct-sum.hpp.

◆ operator+() [1/4]

template<typename T >
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > aligator::operator+ ( const CostPtr< T > & c1,
const CostPtr< T > & c2 )

Definition at line 104 of file sum-of-costs.hpp.

◆ operator+() [2/4]

template<typename T >
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > aligator::operator+ ( xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > && c1,
const CostPtr< T > & c2 )

Definition at line 111 of file sum-of-costs.hpp.

◆ operator+() [3/4]

template<typename T >
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > aligator::operator+ ( xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > && c1,
CostPtr< T > && c2 )

Definition at line 118 of file sum-of-costs.hpp.

◆ operator+() [4/4]

template<typename T >
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > aligator::operator+ ( const xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > & c1,
CostPtr< T > && c2 )

Definition at line 125 of file sum-of-costs.hpp.

◆ operator*()

template<typename T >
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > aligator::operator* ( T u,
xyz::polymorphic< CostStackTpl< T > > && c1 )

Definition at line 132 of file sum-of-costs.hpp.

◆ directSum() [2/2]

template<typename Scalar >
auto aligator::directSum ( xyz::polymorphic< ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > > const & m1,
xyz::polymorphic< ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > > const & m2 )

Definition at line 54 of file explicit-dynamics-direct-sum.hpp.

◆ linear_compose() [1/2]

template<typename Scalar >
auto aligator::linear_compose ( xyz::polymorphic< StageFunctionTpl< Scalar > > func,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::ConstMatrixRef A,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::ConstVectorRef b )

Create a linear composition of the input function func.

Definition at line 97 of file linear-function-composition.hpp.

◆ linear_compose() [2/2]

template<typename Scalar >
auto aligator::linear_compose ( xyz::polymorphic< UnaryFunctionTpl< Scalar > > func,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::ConstMatrixRef A,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::ConstVectorRef b )

Create a linear composition of the input function func. This will return a UnaryFunctionTpl.

Definition at line 105 of file linear-function-composition.hpp.

◆ underactuatedConstrainedInverseDynamics()

template<typename Scalar , typename ConfigType , typename VelType , typename MatrixType , typename OutType , int Options>
void aligator::underactuatedConstrainedInverseDynamics ( const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options > & model,
DataTpl< Scalar, Options > & data,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< ConfigType > & q,
Eigen::MatrixBase< VelType > const & v,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< MatrixType > & actMatrix,
const StdVectorEigenAligned< RigidConstraintModelTpl< Scalar, Options > > & constraint_models,
StdVectorEigenAligned< RigidConstraintDataTpl< Scalar, Options > > & constraint_datas,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< OutType > & res_ )

Definition at line 22 of file constrained-rnea.hpp.

◆ overloads()

template<class... Ts>
aligator::overloads ( Ts... ) -> overloads< Ts... >

◆ fddp_goldstein_linesearch()

template<typename Scalar , typename F , typename M >
ALIGATOR_INLINE std::pair< Scalar, Scalar > aligator::fddp_goldstein_linesearch ( F && phi,
M && model,
const Scalar phi0,
const typename Linesearch< Scalar >::Options & ls_params,
Scalar th_grad,
Scalar & d1,
Scalar th_accept_step = 0.1,
Scalar th_accept_neg_step = 2.0 )

The backtracking linesearch from FDDP (Mastalli et al).

The conditions that are checked for are not exactly the Goldstein conditions.

an std::pair

Definition at line 17 of file linesearch.hpp.

◆ costDirectionalDerivative()

template<typename Scalar >
Scalar aligator::costDirectionalDerivative ( const WorkspaceTpl< Scalar > & workspace,
const TrajOptDataTpl< Scalar > & prob_data )

◆ operator<<() [4/5]

template<typename Scalar >
std::ostream & aligator::operator<< ( std::ostream & oss,
const ResultsTpl< Scalar > & self )

Definition at line 45 of file results.hpp.

◆ getConstraintProductSet()

template<typename Scalar >
auto aligator::getConstraintProductSet ( const ConstraintStackTpl< Scalar > & constraints)

Definition at line 15 of file workspace.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [5/5]

template<typename Scalar >
std::ostream & aligator::operator<< ( std::ostream & oss,
const WorkspaceTpl< Scalar > & self )

Definition at line 127 of file workspace.hpp.

◆ rotate_vec_left()

template<typename T , typename Alloc >
void aligator::rotate_vec_left ( std::vector< T, Alloc > & v,
long n_head = 0,
long n_tail = 0 )

Simply rotate an entire std::vector to the left.

Template Parameters
n_headThe length of the vector (at the head) to keep.
n_tailThe length of the vector (at the tail ) to keep.

Definition at line 17 of file mpc-util.hpp.

◆ rollout() [1/6]

template<typename Scalar >
math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors aligator::rollout ( const std::vector< xyz::polymorphic< DynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > > > & dyn_models,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs & x0,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & us,
typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & xout )

Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models.

Definition at line 9 of file rollout.hpp.

◆ rollout() [2/6]

template<typename Scalar >
math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors aligator::rollout ( const DynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > & dyn_model,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs & x0,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & us )

Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models.

Definition at line 36 of file rollout.hpp.

◆ rollout() [3/6]

template<typename Scalar >
void aligator::rollout ( const std::vector< xyz::polymorphic< ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > > > & dyn_models,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs & x0,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & us,
typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & xout )

Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models.

This overload applies to explicit forward dynamics.

Definition at line 57 of file rollout.hpp.

◆ rollout() [4/6]

template<typename Scalar >
void aligator::rollout ( const ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl< Scalar > & dyn_model,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs & x0,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & us,
typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & xout )

Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models. Rolls out a single ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl.

Definition at line 83 of file rollout.hpp.

◆ rollout() [5/6]

template<template< typename > class C, typename Scalar >
math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors aligator::rollout ( const C< Scalar > & dms,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs & x0,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & us )

Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models. This variant allocates the output and returns it.

Definition at line 103 of file rollout.hpp.

◆ rollout() [6/6]

template<template< typename > class C, typename Scalar >
math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors aligator::rollout ( const std::vector< xyz::polymorphic< C< Scalar > > > & dms,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorXs & x0,
const typename math_types< Scalar >::VectorOfVectors & us )

Perform a rollout of the supplied dynamical models. This variant allocates the output and returns it.

Definition at line 115 of file rollout.hpp.

◆ _process()

aligator._process ( )

Definition at line 15 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ int_format

std::string_view aligator::int_format = "{: >{}d} "

Definition at line 12 of file logger.hpp.

◆ sci_format

std::string_view aligator::sci_format = "{: >{}.3e} "

Definition at line 13 of file logger.hpp.

◆ dbl_format

std::string_view aligator::dbl_format = "{: >{}.3g} "

Definition at line 14 of file logger.hpp.


const LogColumn aligator::BASIC_KEYS[12]
Initial value:
= {
{"iter", int_format, 5U}, {"alpha", sci_format, 10U},
{"inner_crit", sci_format, 11U}, {"prim_err", sci_format, 10U},
{"dual_err", sci_format, 10U}, {"preg", sci_format, 10U},
{"cost", sci_format, 10U}, {"dphi0", sci_format, 11U},
{"merit", sci_format, 10U}, {"ΔM", sci_format, 11U},
{"aliter", int_format, 7U}, {"mu", dbl_format, 7U}}
constexpr std::string_view sci_format
Definition logger.hpp:13
constexpr std::string_view dbl_format
Definition logger.hpp:14
constexpr std::string_view int_format
Definition logger.hpp:12

Definition at line 22 of file logger.hpp.