aligator  0.6.1
A primal-dual augmented Lagrangian-type solver for nonlinear trajectory optimization.
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aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar > Struct Template Reference

A proximal, augmented Lagrangian-type solver for trajectory optimization. More...

#include <aligator/solvers/proxddp/solver-proxddp.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >:

Public Types

using Scalar = _Scalar
using Problem = TrajOptProblemTpl<Scalar>
using Workspace = WorkspaceTpl<Scalar>
using Results = ResultsTpl<Scalar>
using StageFunctionData = StageFunctionDataTpl<Scalar>
using DynamicsData = DynamicsDataTpl<Scalar>
using CostData = CostDataAbstractTpl<Scalar>
using StageModel = StageModelTpl<Scalar>
using ConstraintType = StageConstraintTpl<Scalar>
using StageData = StageDataTpl<Scalar>
using CallbackPtr = shared_ptr<CallbackBaseTpl<Scalar>>
using CallbackMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, CallbackPtr>
using ConstraintStack = ConstraintStackTpl<Scalar>
using CstrSet = ConstraintSetBase<Scalar>
using TrajOptData = TrajOptDataTpl<Scalar>
using LinesearchOptions = typename Linesearch<Scalar>::Options
using CstrProximalScaler = ConstraintProximalScalerTpl<Scalar>
using LinesearchType = proxsuite::nlp::ArmijoLinesearch<Scalar>
using LQProblem = gar::LQRProblemTpl<Scalar>
using Filter = FilterTpl<Scalar>

Public Member Functions

 SolverProxDDPTpl (const Scalar tol=1e-6, const Scalar mu_init=0.01, const Scalar rho_init=0., const std::size_t max_iters=1000, VerboseLevel verbose=VerboseLevel::QUIET, HessianApprox hess_approx=HessianApprox::GAUSS_NEWTON)
void setNumThreads (const std::size_t num_threads)
std::size_t getNumThreads () const
ALIGATOR_DEPRECATED const ResultsgetResults ()
ALIGATOR_DEPRECATED const WorkspacegetWorkspace ()
Scalar tryNonlinearRollout (const Problem &problem, const Scalar alpha)
 Policy rollout using the full nonlinear dynamics. The feedback gains need to be computed first. This will evaluate all the terms in the problem into the problem data, similar to TrajOptProblemTpl::evaluate().
Scalar forwardPass (const Problem &problem, const Scalar alpha)
void updateLQSubproblem ()
void setup (const Problem &problem)
 Allocate new workspace and results instances according to the specifications of problem.
bool run (const Problem &problem, const std::vector< VectorXs > &xs_init={}, const std::vector< VectorXs > &us_init={}, const std::vector< VectorXs > &lams_init={})
 Run the numerical solver.
bool innerLoop (const Problem &problem)
 Perform the inner loop of the algorithm (augmented Lagrangian minimization).
void computeInfeasibilities (const Problem &problem)
 Compute the primal infeasibility measures.
void computeCriterion ()
 Compute stationarity criterion (dual infeasibility).
void computeMultipliers (const Problem &problem, const std::vector< VectorXs > &lams, const std::vector< VectorXs > &vs)
ALIGATOR_INLINE Scalar mu () const
ALIGATOR_INLINE Scalar mu_inv () const
ALIGATOR_INLINE Scalar rho () const
 Primal proximal parameter \(\rho > 0\).
void updateGains ()
 Update primal-dual feedback gains (control, costate, path multiplier)
void registerCallback (const std::string &name, CallbackPtr cb)
 Add a callback to the solver instance.
void clearCallbacks () noexcept
 Remove all callbacks from the instance.
const CallbackMapgetCallbacks () const
void removeCallback (const std::string &name)
auto getCallback (const std::string &name) -> CallbackPtr
void invokeCallbacks (Workspace &workspace, Results &results)
 Invoke callbacks.

Static Public Member Functions

static Scalar tryLinearStep (const Problem &problem, Workspace &workspace, const Results &results, const Scalar alpha)
 Try a step of size \(\alpha\).

Public Attributes

Scalar inner_tol_
 Subproblem tolerance.
Scalar prim_tol_
 Desired primal feasibility.
Scalar target_tol_ = 1e-6
 Solver tolerance \(\epsilon > 0\).
Scalar mu_init = 0.01
Scalar rho_init = 0.
Scalar reg_min = 1e-10
Scalar reg_max = 1e9
Scalar reg_init = 1e-9
Scalar reg_inc_k_ = 10.
Scalar reg_inc_first_k_ = 100.
Scalar reg_dec_k_ = 1. / 3.
Scalar preg_ = reg_init
Scalar preg_last_ = 0.
Scalar inner_tol0 = 1.
Scalar prim_tol0 = 1.
Logger logger {}
VerboseLevel verbose_
 Solver verbosity level.
LQSolverChoice linear_solver_choice = LQSolverChoice::SERIAL
 Choice of linear solver.
bool lq_print_detailed = false
HessianApprox hess_approx_ = HessianApprox::GAUSS_NEWTON
 Type of Hessian approximation. Default is Gauss-Newton.
LinesearchOptions ls_params
 Linesearch options, as in proxsuite-nlp.
LinesearchStrategy ls_strat = LinesearchStrategy::ARMIJO
 Type of linesearch strategy. Default is Armijo.
MultiplierUpdateMode multiplier_update_mode = MultiplierUpdateMode::NEWTON
 Type of Lagrange multiplier update.
LinesearchMode ls_mode = LinesearchMode::PRIMAL
 Linesearch mode.
Scalar dual_weight = 1.0
 Weight of the dual variables in the primal-dual linesearch.
RolloutType rollout_type_ = RolloutType::NONLINEAR
 Type of rollout for the forward pass.
BCLParamsTpl< Scalarbcl_params
 Parameters for the BCL outer loop of the augmented Lagrangian algorithm.
StepAcceptanceStrategy sa_strategy = StepAcceptanceStrategy::LINESEARCH
 Step acceptance mode.
bool force_initial_condition_ = true
std::size_t maxRefinementSteps_
Scalar refinementThreshold_ = 1e-13
std::size_t max_iters
std::size_t max_al_iters = 100
Scalar mu_lower_bound = 1e-8
uint rollout_max_iters
CallbackMap callbacks_
Workspace workspace_
Results results_
unique_ptr< gar::RiccatiSolverBase< Scalar > > linearSolver_
 LQR subproblem solver.
Filter filter_

Protected Member Functions

void updateTolsOnFailure () noexcept
void updateTolsOnSuccess () noexcept
ALIGATOR_INLINE void setAlmPenalty (Scalar new_mu) noexcept
 Set dual proximal/ALM penalty parameter.
ALIGATOR_INLINE void setRho (Scalar new_rho) noexcept
void initializeRegularization () noexcept
void increaseRegularization () noexcept

Detailed Description

template<typename _Scalar>
struct aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >

A proximal, augmented Lagrangian-type solver for trajectory optimization.

This class implements the Proximal Differential Dynamic Programming algorithm, a variant of the augmented Lagrangian method for trajectory optimization. The paper "PROXDDP: Proximal Constrained Trajectory Optimization" by Jallet et al (2023) is the reference [1] for this implementation.

Definition at line 45 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Scalar

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::Scalar = _Scalar

Definition at line 49 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ Problem

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::Problem = TrajOptProblemTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 51 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ Workspace

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::Workspace = WorkspaceTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 52 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ Results

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::Results = ResultsTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 53 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ StageFunctionData

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::StageFunctionData = StageFunctionDataTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 54 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ DynamicsData

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::DynamicsData = DynamicsDataTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 55 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ CostData

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::CostData = CostDataAbstractTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 56 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ StageModel

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::StageModel = StageModelTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 57 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ ConstraintType

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::ConstraintType = StageConstraintTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 58 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ StageData

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::StageData = StageDataTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 59 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ CallbackPtr

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::CallbackPtr = shared_ptr<CallbackBaseTpl<Scalar>>

Definition at line 60 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ CallbackMap

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::CallbackMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, CallbackPtr>

Definition at line 61 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ ConstraintStack

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::ConstraintStack = ConstraintStackTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 62 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ CstrSet

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::CstrSet = ConstraintSetBase<Scalar>

Definition at line 63 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ TrajOptData

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::TrajOptData = TrajOptDataTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 64 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ LinesearchOptions

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::LinesearchOptions = typename Linesearch<Scalar>::Options

Definition at line 65 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ CstrProximalScaler

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::CstrProximalScaler = ConstraintProximalScalerTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 66 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ LinesearchType

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::LinesearchType = proxsuite::nlp::ArmijoLinesearch<Scalar>

Definition at line 67 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ LQProblem

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::LQProblem = gar::LQRProblemTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 68 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ Filter

template<typename _Scalar >
using aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::Filter = FilterTpl<Scalar>

Definition at line 69 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SolverProxDDPTpl()

template<typename _Scalar >
aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::SolverProxDDPTpl ( const Scalar tol = 1e-6,
const Scalar mu_init = 0.01,
const Scalar rho_init = 0.,
const std::size_t max_iters = 1000,
VerboseLevel verbose = VerboseLevel::QUIET,
HessianApprox hess_approx = HessianApprox::GAUSS_NEWTON )

Member Function Documentation


template<typename _Scalar >
aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::ALIGATOR_DYNAMIC_TYPEDEFS ( Scalar )

◆ setNumThreads()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::setNumThreads ( const std::size_t num_threads)

Definition at line 163 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ getNumThreads()

template<typename _Scalar >
std::size_t aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::getNumThreads ( ) const

Definition at line 173 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ getResults()

template<typename _Scalar >
ALIGATOR_DEPRECATED const Results & aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::getResults ( )

Definition at line 175 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ getWorkspace()

template<typename _Scalar >
ALIGATOR_DEPRECATED const Workspace & aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::getWorkspace ( )

Definition at line 176 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ tryLinearStep()

template<typename _Scalar >
static Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::tryLinearStep ( const Problem & problem,
Workspace & workspace,
const Results & results,
const Scalar alpha )

Try a step of size \(\alpha\).

A primal-dual trial point \((\bfx \oplus\alpha\delta\bfx, \bfu+\alpha\delta\bfu, \bmlam+\alpha\delta\bmlam)\)
The trajectory cost.

◆ tryNonlinearRollout()

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::tryNonlinearRollout ( const Problem & problem,
const Scalar alpha )

Policy rollout using the full nonlinear dynamics. The feedback gains need to be computed first. This will evaluate all the terms in the problem into the problem data, similar to TrajOptProblemTpl::evaluate().

The trajectory cost.

◆ forwardPass()

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::forwardPass ( const Problem & problem,
const Scalar alpha )

◆ updateLQSubproblem()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::updateLQSubproblem ( )

◆ setup()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::setup ( const Problem & problem)

Allocate new workspace and results instances according to the specifications of problem.

problemThe problem instance with respect to which memory will be allocated.

◆ run()

template<typename _Scalar >
bool aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::run ( const Problem & problem,
const std::vector< VectorXs > & xs_init = {},
const std::vector< VectorXs > & us_init = {},
const std::vector< VectorXs > & lams_init = {} )

Run the numerical solver.

problemThe trajectory optimization problem to solve.
xs_initInitial trajectory guess.
us_initInitial control sequence guess.
lams_initInitial multiplier guess.
You must call SolverProxDDP::setup beforehand to allocate a workspace and results.

◆ innerLoop()

template<typename _Scalar >
bool aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::innerLoop ( const Problem & problem)

Perform the inner loop of the algorithm (augmented Lagrangian minimization).

◆ computeInfeasibilities()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::computeInfeasibilities ( const Problem & problem)

Compute the primal infeasibility measures.

This will alter the constraint values (by projecting on the normal cone in-place). Compute anything which accesses these before!

◆ computeCriterion()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::computeCriterion ( )

Compute stationarity criterion (dual infeasibility).

◆ registerCallback()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::registerCallback ( const std::string & name,
CallbackPtr cb )

Add a callback to the solver instance.

Definition at line 229 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ clearCallbacks()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::clearCallbacks ( )

Remove all callbacks from the instance.

Definition at line 234 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ getCallbacks()

template<typename _Scalar >
const CallbackMap & aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::getCallbacks ( ) const

Definition at line 236 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ removeCallback()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::removeCallback ( const std::string & name)

Definition at line 237 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ getCallback()

template<typename _Scalar >
auto aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::getCallback ( const std::string & name) -> CallbackPtr

Definition at line 238 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ invokeCallbacks()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::invokeCallbacks ( Workspace & workspace,
Results & results )

Invoke callbacks.

Definition at line 247 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ computeMultipliers()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::computeMultipliers ( const Problem & problem,
const std::vector< VectorXs > & lams,
const std::vector< VectorXs > & vs )

Compute the merit function and stopping criterion dual terms: first-order Lagrange multiplier estimates, shifted and projected constraints.

◆ mu()

template<typename _Scalar >
ALIGATOR_INLINE Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::mu ( ) const

Dual proximal/ALM penalty parameter \(\mu\) This is the global parameter: scales may be applied for stagewise constraints, dynamicals...

Definition at line 262 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ mu_inv()

template<typename _Scalar >
ALIGATOR_INLINE Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::mu_inv ( ) const

Definition at line 265 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ rho()

template<typename _Scalar >
ALIGATOR_INLINE Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::rho ( ) const

Primal proximal parameter \(\rho > 0\).

Definition at line 268 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ updateGains()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::updateGains ( )

Update primal-dual feedback gains (control, costate, path multiplier)

◆ updateTolsOnFailure()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::updateTolsOnFailure ( )

Definition at line 275 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ updateTolsOnSuccess()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::updateTolsOnSuccess ( )

Definition at line 280 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ setAlmPenalty()

template<typename _Scalar >
ALIGATOR_INLINE void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::setAlmPenalty ( Scalar new_mu)

Set dual proximal/ALM penalty parameter.

Definition at line 286 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ setRho()

template<typename _Scalar >
ALIGATOR_INLINE void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::setRho ( Scalar new_rho)

Definition at line 290 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ initializeRegularization()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::initializeRegularization ( )

Definition at line 294 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ increaseRegularization()

template<typename _Scalar >
void aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::increaseRegularization ( )

Definition at line 304 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ inner_tol_

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::inner_tol_

Subproblem tolerance.

Definition at line 72 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ prim_tol_

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::prim_tol_

Desired primal feasibility.

Definition at line 74 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ target_tol_

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::target_tol_ = 1e-6

Solver tolerance \(\epsilon > 0\).

Definition at line 76 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ mu_init

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::mu_init = 0.01

Definition at line 78 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ rho_init

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::rho_init = 0.

Definition at line 79 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ reg_min

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::reg_min = 1e-10

Definition at line 83 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ reg_max

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::reg_max = 1e9

Definition at line 84 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ reg_init

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::reg_init = 1e-9

Definition at line 85 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ reg_inc_k_

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::reg_inc_k_ = 10.

Definition at line 86 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ reg_inc_first_k_

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::reg_inc_first_k_ = 100.

Definition at line 87 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ reg_dec_k_

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::reg_dec_k_ = 1. / 3.

Definition at line 88 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ preg_

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::preg_ = reg_init

Definition at line 89 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ preg_last_

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::preg_last_ = 0.

Definition at line 90 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ inner_tol0

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::inner_tol0 = 1.

Definition at line 94 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ prim_tol0

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::prim_tol0 = 1.

Definition at line 95 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ logger

template<typename _Scalar >
Logger aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::logger {}


Definition at line 98 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ verbose_

template<typename _Scalar >
VerboseLevel aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::verbose_

Solver verbosity level.

Definition at line 101 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ linear_solver_choice

template<typename _Scalar >
LQSolverChoice aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::linear_solver_choice = LQSolverChoice::SERIAL

Choice of linear solver.

Definition at line 103 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ lq_print_detailed

template<typename _Scalar >
bool aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::lq_print_detailed = false

Definition at line 104 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ hess_approx_

template<typename _Scalar >
HessianApprox aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::hess_approx_ = HessianApprox::GAUSS_NEWTON

Type of Hessian approximation. Default is Gauss-Newton.

Definition at line 106 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ ls_params

template<typename _Scalar >
LinesearchOptions aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::ls_params

Linesearch options, as in proxsuite-nlp.

Definition at line 108 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ ls_strat

template<typename _Scalar >
LinesearchStrategy aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::ls_strat = LinesearchStrategy::ARMIJO

Type of linesearch strategy. Default is Armijo.

Definition at line 110 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ multiplier_update_mode

template<typename _Scalar >
MultiplierUpdateMode aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::multiplier_update_mode = MultiplierUpdateMode::NEWTON

Type of Lagrange multiplier update.

Definition at line 112 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ ls_mode

template<typename _Scalar >
LinesearchMode aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::ls_mode = LinesearchMode::PRIMAL

Linesearch mode.

Definition at line 114 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ dual_weight

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::dual_weight = 1.0

Weight of the dual variables in the primal-dual linesearch.

Definition at line 116 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ rollout_type_

template<typename _Scalar >
RolloutType aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::rollout_type_ = RolloutType::NONLINEAR

Type of rollout for the forward pass.

Definition at line 118 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ bcl_params

template<typename _Scalar >
BCLParamsTpl<Scalar> aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::bcl_params

Parameters for the BCL outer loop of the augmented Lagrangian algorithm.

Definition at line 120 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ sa_strategy

template<typename _Scalar >
StepAcceptanceStrategy aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::sa_strategy = StepAcceptanceStrategy::LINESEARCH

Step acceptance mode.

Definition at line 122 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ force_initial_condition_

template<typename _Scalar >
bool aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::force_initial_condition_ = true

Force the initial state \( x_0 \) to be fixed to the problem initial condition.

Definition at line 126 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ maxRefinementSteps_

template<typename _Scalar >
std::size_t aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::maxRefinementSteps_
Initial value:

Definition at line 128 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ refinementThreshold_

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::refinementThreshold_ = 1e-13

Definition at line 130 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ max_iters

template<typename _Scalar >
std::size_t aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::max_iters

Definition at line 131 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ max_al_iters

template<typename _Scalar >
std::size_t aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::max_al_iters = 100

Definition at line 132 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ mu_lower_bound

template<typename _Scalar >
Scalar aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::mu_lower_bound = 1e-8

Definition at line 133 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ rollout_max_iters

template<typename _Scalar >
uint aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::rollout_max_iters

Definition at line 134 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ callbacks_

template<typename _Scalar >
CallbackMap aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::callbacks_


Definition at line 137 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ workspace_

template<typename _Scalar >
Workspace aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::workspace_

Definition at line 138 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ results_

template<typename _Scalar >
Results aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::results_

Definition at line 139 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ linearSolver_

template<typename _Scalar >
unique_ptr<gar::RiccatiSolverBase<Scalar> > aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::linearSolver_

LQR subproblem solver.

Definition at line 141 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

◆ filter_

template<typename _Scalar >
Filter aligator::SolverProxDDPTpl< _Scalar >::filter_

Definition at line 142 of file solver-proxddp.hpp.

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