proxsuite-nlp  0.10.0
A primal-dual augmented Lagrangian-type solver for nonlinear programming on manifolds.
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 block-kind.hppDefinition for matrix "kind" enums
 block-ldlt.hppRoutines for block-sparse matrix LDLT factorisation
 dense.hppRoutines for Cholesky factorization
 function-base.hppBase definitions for function classes
 fwd.hppForward declarations and configuration macros
 ldlt-allocator.hppUtility function to allocate an LDLT solver for the Newton iterations
 linesearch-armijo.hppImplements a basic Armijo back-tracking strategy
 linesearch-base.hppBase structs for linesearch algorithms