A primal-dual augmented Lagrangian-type solver for nonlinear trajectory optimization.
►Naligator | Main package namespace |
►Nautodiff | |
►CCostFiniteDifferenceHelper | |
CData | |
CDynamicsFiniteDifferenceHelper | |
CFiniteDifferenceHelper | Approximate the derivatives of a given function using finite differences, to downcast the function to a StageFunctionTpl |
►Ncompat | Headers for compatibility modules |
►Ncroc | Headers for the Crocoddyl compatibility module |
Ncontext | |
CActionDataWrapperTpl | A complicated child class to StageDataTpl which pipes Crocoddyl's data to the right places |
CActionModelWrapperTpl | Wraps a crocoddyl::ActionModelAbstract |
CCrocCostDataWrapperTpl | |
CCrocCostModelWrapperTpl | |
CDynamicsDataWrapperTpl | |
CNoOpDynamics | |
CStateWrapperTpl | Wraps a crocoddyl::StateAbstractTpl to a manifold (proxsuite::nlp::ManifoldAbstractTpl) |
Ncontext | |
►Ndetail | |
►Clinear_func_composition_impl | |
CData | |
Cslice_impl_tpl | Slicing and indexing of a function's output |
CStateOrControlErrorResidual | Residual \(r(z) = z \ominus z_{tar} \) |
CStateOrControlErrorResidual< _Scalar, 0 > | Pure state residual |
►Ndynamics | Namespace for modelling system dynamics |
CCentroidalFwdDataTpl | |
CCentroidalFwdDynamicsTpl | Nonlinear centroidal forward dynamics |
CContinuousCentroidalFwdDataTpl | |
CContinuousCentroidalFwdDynamicsTpl | Nonlinear centroidal forward dynamics with smooth control |
CContinuousDynamicsAbstractTpl | Continuous dynamics described by differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) \(F(\dot{x}, x, u) = 0\) |
CContinuousDynamicsDataTpl | Data struct for ContinuousDynamicsAbstractTpl |
CExplicitIntegratorAbstractTpl | Explicit integrators \(x_{k+1} = f(x_k, u_k) \) |
CExplicitIntegratorDataTpl | |
CIntegratorAbstractTpl | Base class for (implicit) numerical integrators |
CIntegratorDataTpl | Data class for numerical integrators (IntegratorAbstractTpl) |
CIntegratorEulerTpl | Explicit Euler integrator \( x_{k+1} = x_k \oplus h f(x_k, u_k)\) |
CIntegratorMidpointDataTpl | |
CIntegratorMidpointTpl | Midpoint integration rule |
CIntegratorRK2DataTpl | |
CIntegratorRK2Tpl | Second-order Runge-Kutta integrator |
CIntegratorSemiImplDataTpl | |
CIntegratorSemiImplEulerTpl | Semi-implicit Euler integrator \( x_{k+1} = x_k \oplus h f(x_k, u_k)\) |
CLinearDiscreteDynamicsTpl | Discrete explicit linear dynamics |
CLinearODETpl | Linear ordinary differential equation \(\dot{x} = Ax + Bu\) |
CMultibodyConstraintFwdDataTpl | |
CMultibodyConstraintFwdDynamicsTpl | Constraint multibody forward dynamics, using Pinocchio |
CODEAbstractTpl | Base class for ODE dynamics \( \dot{x} = f(x, u) \) |
►Ngar | |
Nhelpers | |
CLQRKnotTpl | Struct describing a stage of a constrained LQ problem |
CLQRProblemTpl | |
►CProximalRiccatiKernel | Kernel for use in Riccati-like algorithms for the proximal LQ subproblem |
Ckkt0_t | |
CProximalRiccatiSolver | A Riccati-like solver for the proximal LQ subproblem in ProxDDP |
CRiccatiSolverBase | |
CRiccatiSolverDense | A stagewise-dense Riccati solver. This algorithm uses a dense Bunch-Kaufman factorization at every stage |
►CStageFactor | Per-node struct for all computations in the factorization |
Cvalue_t | |
Cworkrange_t | |
Nmath | Math utilities |
Nomp | Utilities to set parallelism options |
►Npython | The Python bindings |
CBlkMatrixPythonVisitor | |
CCallbackWrapper | |
CClonePythonVisitor | |
CContinousDataWrapper | |
CCopyableVisitor | |
CCostDataWrapper | |
CCreateDataPolymorphicPythonVisitor | |
CCreateDataPythonVisitor | |
CExplicitDataWrapper | |
CFrameAPIVisitor | |
CFunctionDataWrapper | Required trampoline class |
CLinFunctionCompositionVisitor | |
CPolymorphicMultiBaseVisitor | |
CPrintableVisitor | |
CPrintAddressVisitor | |
CPyContinuousDynamics | |
CPyCostFunction | Wrapper for the CostDataAbstractTpl class and its children |
CPyDynamics | |
CPyExplicitDynamics | |
CPyODEAbstract | |
CPyStageFunction | |
CPyUnaryFunction | |
CSlicingVisitor | |
CSolverVisitor | |
►Nutils | |
Nplotting | |
CAngularAccelerationDataTpl | |
CAngularAccelerationResidualTpl | This residual returns the angular acceleration of a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \), computed from the external forces and contact poses |
CAngularMomentumDataTpl | |
CAngularMomentumResidualTpl | This residual returns the angular momentum for a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \) |
CBlkMatrix | Block matrix class, with a fixed-size number of row and column blocks |
CCallbackBaseTpl | Base callback class |
CCenterOfMassTranslationDataTpl | |
CCenterOfMassTranslationResidualTpl | This residual returns the Center of Mass translation for a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \) |
CCenterOfMassVelocityDataTpl | |
CCenterOfMassVelocityResidualTpl | |
CCentroidalAccelerationDataTpl | |
CCentroidalAccelerationResidualTpl | This residual returns the linear acceleration of a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \), computed from the external forces and contact poses |
CCentroidalCoMDataTpl | |
CCentroidalCoMResidualTpl | |
CCentroidalFrictionConeDataTpl | This residual implements the "ice cream" friction cone for a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \) |
CCentroidalFrictionConeResidualTpl | |
CCentroidalMomentumDataTpl | |
CCentroidalMomentumDerivativeDataTpl | |
CCentroidalMomentumDerivativeResidualTpl | This residual returns the derivative of centroidal momentum for a kinodynamics model |
CCentroidalMomentumResidualTpl | This residual returns the derivative of centroidal momentum for a kinodynamics model |
CCentroidalWrapperDataTpl | |
CCentroidalWrapperResidualTpl | This residual acts as a wrapper for centroidal model cost functions in which the external forces are added to the state and the control becomes the forces derivatives |
CCentroidalWrenchConeDataTpl | This residual implements the wrench cone for a centroidal model with control \(u = (f_1,...,f_c) \) with \(f_k\) 6D spatial force |
CCentroidalWrenchConeResidualTpl | |
CCompositeCostDataTpl | Data struct for composite costs |
CConstantCostTpl | Constant cost |
CConstraintProximalScalerTpl | |
CConstraintStackTpl | Convenience class to manage a stack of constraints |
CContactMapTpl | Contact map for centroidal costs and dynamics |
CControlErrorResidualTpl | |
CCostAbstractTpl | Stage costs \( \ell(x, u) \) for control problems |
CCostDataAbstractTpl | Data struct for CostAbstractTpl |
CCostStackDataTpl | |
CCostStackTpl | Weighted sum of multiple cost components |
CDCMPositionDataTpl | |
CDCMPositionResidualTpl | |
►CDirectSumCostTpl | |
CData | |
►CDirectSumExplicitDynamicsTpl | |
CData | |
CDynamicsDataTpl | |
CDynamicsModelTpl | Dynamics model: describes system dynamics through an implicit relation \(f(x,u,x') = 0\) |
CExplicitDynamicsDataTpl | Specific data struct for explicit dynamics ExplicitDynamicsModelTpl |
CExplicitDynamicsModelTpl | Explicit forward dynamics model \( x_{k+1} = f(x_k, u_k) \) |
CFilterTpl | A basic filter line-search strategy |
CforwardDynamics | Evaluates the forward map for a discrete dynamics model, implicit or explicit |
Cframe_api | |
CFramePlacementDataTpl | |
CFramePlacementResidualTpl | |
CFrameTranslationDataTpl | |
CFrameTranslationResidualTpl | |
CFrameVelocityDataTpl | |
CFrameVelocityResidualTpl | |
CFunctionSliceDataTpl | |
CFunctionSliceXprTpl | Represents a function of which the output is a subset of another function, for instance \(x \mapsto f_\{0, 1, 3\}(x) \) where \(f\) is given |
CFunctionSliceXprTpl< Scalar, StageFunctionTpl< Scalar > > | |
CFunctionSliceXprTpl< Scalar, UnaryFunctionTpl< Scalar > > | |
►CGravityCompensationResidualTpl | |
CData | |
CHistoryCallbackTpl | Store the history of results |
CLagrangianDerivatives | Compute the derivatives of the problem Lagrangian |
CLinearFunctionCompositionTpl | |
CLinearFunctionTpl | Linear function \(f(x,u,y) = Ax + Bu + Cy + d\) |
CLinearMomentumDataTpl | |
CLinearMomentumResidualTpl | This residual returns the linear momentum for a centroidal model with state \(x = (c, h, L) \) |
CLinearUnaryFunctionCompositionTpl | |
CLogColumn | |
CLogger | A table logging utility to log the trace of the numerical solvers |
CLogResidualCostTpl | Log-barrier of an underlying cost function |
►CNewtonRaphson | Newton-Raphson procedure, e.g. to compute forward dynamics from implicit functions |
COptions | |
CNonmonotoneLinesearch | Nonmonotone Linesearch algorithm. Modifies the Armijo condition with a moving average of function values |
Coverloads | Utility helper struct for creating visitors from lambdas |
CPDALFunction | Primal-dual augmented Lagrangian merit function |
CQFunctionTpl | Q-function model parameters |
CQuadraticControlCostTpl | |
CQuadraticCostDataTpl | |
CQuadraticCostTpl | Euclidean quadratic cost |
CQuadraticResidualCostTpl | Quadratic composite of an underlying function |
CQuadraticStateCostTpl | Quadratic distance cost over the state manifold |
CResultsBaseTpl | |
CResultsFDDPTpl | |
CResultsTpl | Results holder struct |
CRuntimeError | |
CSolverFDDPTpl | The feasible DDP (FDDP) algorithm, from Mastalli et al. (2020) |
►CSolverProxDDPTpl | A proximal, augmented Lagrangian-type solver for trajectory optimization |
CAlmParams | |
CLinesearchVariant | |
CStageConstraintTpl | Simple struct holding together a function and set, to describe a constraint |
CStageDataTpl | Data struct for stage models StageModelTpl |
CStageFunctionDataTpl | Base struct for function data |
CStageFunctionTpl | Class representing ternary functions \(f(x,u,x')\) |
CStageModelTpl | A stage in the control problem |
CStateErrorResidualTpl | |
CTrajOptDataTpl | Problem data struct |
CTrajOptProblemTpl | Trajectory optimization problem |
CUnaryFunctionTpl | Represents unary functions of the form \(f(x)\), with no control (or next-state) arguments |
CValueFunctionTpl | Storage for the value function model parameters |
CWorkspaceBaseTpl | Base workspace struct for the algorithms |
CWorkspaceFDDPTpl | Workspace for solver SolverFDDP |
CWorkspaceTpl | Workspace for solver SolverProxDDP |
►Nboost | |
►Ndetail | |
Cspan_bytes | |
Cspan_bytes< T, boost::dynamic_extent > | |
Cspan_capacity | |
Cspan_compatible | |
Cspan_convertible | |
Cspan_copyable | |
Cspan_data | |
Cspan_data< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< span_ptr< T > >::value >::type > | |
Cspan_has_data | |
Cspan_has_data< R, T, typename std::enable_if< span_convertible< typename span_data< R >::type, T >::value >::type > | |
Cspan_has_size | |
Cspan_has_size< R, typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< decltype(std::declval< R & >().size()), std::size_t >::value >::type > | |
Cspan_implicit | |
Cspan_is_array | |
Cspan_is_array< std::array< T, N > > | |
Cspan_is_range | |
Cspan_is_span | |
Cspan_is_span< boost::span< T, E > > | |
Cspan_store | |
Cspan_store< T, boost::dynamic_extent > | |
Cspan_sub | |
►Npython | |
►Nobjects | |
Cvalue_holder< aligator::python::PyContinuousDynamics<> > | |
Cvalue_holder< aligator::python::PyCostFunction > | |
Cvalue_holder< aligator::python::PyDynamics< aligator::context::IntegratorAbstract > > | |
Cvalue_holder< aligator::python::PyDynamics<> > | |
Cvalue_holder< aligator::python::PyExplicitDynamics< aligator::context::ExplicitIntegratorAbstract > > | |
Cvalue_holder< aligator::python::PyExplicitDynamics<> > | |
Cvalue_holder< aligator::python::PyODEAbstract<> > | |
Cvalue_holder< aligator::python::PyStageFunction<> > | |
Cvalue_holder< aligator::python::PyUnaryFunction<> > | |
Cspan |