proxsuite 0.6.7
The Advanced Proximal Optimization Toolbox
No Matches
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struct  proxsuite::proxqp::sparse::QP< T, I >
 This class defines the API of PROXQP solver with sparse backend. More...
struct  proxsuite::proxqp::sparse::BatchQP< T, I >


namespace  proxsuite
namespace  proxsuite::proxqp
namespace  proxsuite::proxqp::sparse


template<typename T , typename I >
proxqp::Results< T > proxsuite::proxqp::sparse::solve (optional< SparseMat< T, I > > H, optional< VecRef< T > > g, optional< SparseMat< T, I > > A, optional< VecRef< T > > b, optional< SparseMat< T, I > > C, optional< VecRef< T > > l, optional< VecRef< T > > u, optional< VecRef< T > > x=nullopt, optional< VecRef< T > > y=nullopt, optional< VecRef< T > > z=nullopt, optional< T > eps_abs=nullopt, optional< T > eps_rel=nullopt, optional< T > rho=nullopt, optional< T > mu_eq=nullopt, optional< T > mu_in=nullopt, optional< bool > verbose=nullopt, bool compute_preconditioner=true, bool compute_timings=false, optional< isize > max_iter=nullopt, proxsuite::proxqp::InitialGuessStatus initial_guess=proxsuite::proxqp::InitialGuessStatus::EQUALITY_CONSTRAINED_INITIAL_GUESS, proxsuite::proxqp::SparseBackend sparse_backend=proxsuite::proxqp::SparseBackend::Automatic, bool check_duality_gap=false, optional< T > eps_duality_gap_abs=nullopt, optional< T > eps_duality_gap_rel=nullopt, bool primal_infeasibility_solving=false, optional< T > manual_minimal_H_eigenvalue=nullopt)