proxsuite-nlp  0.10.0
A primal-dual augmented Lagrangian-type solver for nonlinear programming on manifolds.
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 Cpointee< xyz::polymorphic< T, A > >
 Cto_python_indirect< const xyz::polymorphic< T, A > &, MakeHolder >
 Cto_python_indirect< xyz::polymorphic< T, A > &, MakeHolder >
 NproxsuiteMain package namespace
 NautodiffAutomatic differentiation utilities
 Cfinite_difference_wrapper< _Scalar, TOC1 >Approximate the derivatives of a given function using finite differences, to downcast the function to a C1FunctionTpl
 Cfinite_difference_wrapper< _Scalar, TOC2 >Approximate the second derivatives of a given function using finite differences
 NhelpersHelper functions and structs
 Chistory_callbackStore the history of results
 NlinalgSpecific linear algebra routines
 CBlockLDLTBlock sparsity-aware LDLT factorization algorithm
 CDenseLDLTA fast, recursive divide-and-conquer LDLT algorithm
 Cldlt_baseBase interface for LDLT solvers
 CProxSuiteLDLTWrapperUse the LDLT from proxsuite
 CSymbolicBlockMatrixSymbolic representation of the sparsity structure of a (square) block matrix
 CTriangularBlockMatrixRepresentation for triangular block matrices
 NmathMath utilities
 NpythonPython bindings
 CPolymorphicVisitor< xyz::polymorphic< Base, A > >
 CALMeritFunctionTplPrimal-dual augmented Lagrangian-type merit function
 CArmijoLinesearchBasic backtracking Armijo line-search strategy
 CBaseFunctionTplBase function type
 CBaseLoggerA logging utility
 CBoxConstraintTplBox constraint set \(z \in [z_\min, z_\max]\)
 CC1FunctionTplDifferentiable function, with method for the Jacobian
 CC2FunctionTplTwice-differentiable function, with method Jacobian and vector-hessian product evaluation
 CCartesianProductTplThe cartesian product of two or more manifolds
 CComposeFunctionTplComposition of two functions \(f \circ g\)
 CConstraintObjectTplPacks a ConstraintSetTpl and C2FunctionTpl together
 CConstraintSetProductTplCartesian product of multiple constraint sets. This class makes computing multipliers and Jacobian matrix projections more convenient
 CConstraintSetTplBase constraint set type
 CCostFunctionBaseTplBase class for differentiable cost functions
 CCostSumTplDefines the sum of one or more cost functions \(c_1 + c_2 + \cdots\)
 CEqualityConstraintTplEquality constraints \(c(x) = 0\)
 CLinearFunctionDifferenceToPointLinear function of difference vector on a manifold, of the form \( r(x) = A(x \ominus \bar{x}) + b \)
 CLinearFunctionTplLinear residuals \(r(x) = Ax + b\)
 CLinesearchBase linesearch class. Design pattern inspired by Google Ceres-Solver
 Cmath_typesTypedefs for math (Eigen vectors, matrices) depending on scalar type
 CMultibodyConfigurationMultibody configuration group \(\mathcal{Q}\), defined using the Pinocchio library
 CMultibodyPhaseSpaceThe tangent bundle of a multibody configuration group
 CNegativeOrthantTplNegative orthant, for constraints \(h(x)\leq 0\)
 CNonsmoothPenaltyL1TplComposite \(\ell_1\)-penalty function \( \|c(x)\|_1 \)
 CPinocchioLieGroupWrap a Pinocchio Lie group into a ManifoldAbstractTpl object
 CPolynomialTplPolynomials represented by their coefficients in decreasing order of degree
 CQuadraticDistanceCostTplWeighted quadratic distance \(\frac{1}{2}\|x\ominus \bar{x}\|^2_W\) on a space
 CQuadraticResidualCostTplQuadratic function \(\frac{1}{2} r^\top Qr + b^\top r + c\) of a residual
 CResultsTplResults struct, holding the returned data from the solver
 CTangentBundleTplTangent bundle of a base manifold M
 CVectorSpaceTplStandard Euclidean vector space
 Cempty_base_optimization< T, true >